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Residential Services Strike Again
Submitted by CFdC Fan Posted by philsmith
It was brought to my attention recently that UD rents the Alumni House in the Ghetto to Alumni. I thought this would be the perfect place for me and others to stay for Phil and Katie's wedding. I called today and was transferred to, yes you guessed it, Residential Services. The woman was very nice when I told her I wanted to rent the house for my friends wedding. Then I told her the date. She dropped the bomb. "Oh hon, I am so sorry, but we do not rent to outside groups in the month of August. We need the Alumni house for students in case their are any housing issues." Excuse me?! Since when does giving someone over $100,000 and living there constitute us as "outside groups"? Second, they are still having housing issues after everything they have built? Give me a break. Third, I thought it was the ALUMNI house? Even after graduating, Residential Services is still taking the serve out of services.
Tuesday, October 02 @ 11:28:32 EDT (4402 reads)
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Ryan Gorney goes apeshit, destroys building.
Posted by philsmith
It has been a long time coming, but Ryan Gorney has finally exacted his revenge on parking services. Read on for details...
Friday, September 22 @ 02:06:44 EDT (6700 reads)
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Posted by philsmith
Our very own Jim Hayes is famous! Even more famous now that he has his picture in the Dayton Engineer magazine. Check it out here. Hooray Jim. Now we know that he actually was still working and studying and not just lurking around after all those college girls. Um, I mean, helping them find their classes.
Friday, August 18 @ 18:09:05 EDT (2118 reads)
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Virtual Orientation - 2004 edition
Submitted by thorax Posted by tool
Here's this year's virtual orientation coverage. It looks like they added a feature covering "A Day In the Life" of a fictional first year student named Wendy. (Hopefully she lives in Stuart Complex!) It seems to be part soap opera, part "24".
Why didn't we think of this earlier? We could have come up with a storyline of a guy named Otis, based off the life of Ryan Gorney. :-)
Tuesday, June 29 @ 09:57:15 EDT (2162 reads)
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Submitted by ldog Posted by jono
On behalf of myself and all the other alumnists who have already left UD, I would like to congratulate the soon to be graduates of the University of Dayton, 2004. Good luck on all your future endeavors, but do not forget where you came from, and what you learned at UD. Remember such places, as boxleft, the barn, the pharcyde, 56 "women", 412, 453, casa del sol, and all the other houses I forgot to mention.
Monday, April 26 @ 00:45:44 EDT (2204 reads)
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