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Q: Who will soon be the newest contributor to the fart game?
A: The soon-to-be-here 'lil fart the Gorney's are expecting! That's right ladies and gents... Kara and Ryan are pregnant!
Well, let's be honest, Kara is really doing the work, but Ryan is making the kid laugh with crazy pants dances and crab impressions. He's also calming him or her down with the soothing sounds of Enya, and of course the one-of-a-kind voice of Stevie Nicks. Baby Gorney is planning to make a debut towards the end of July... obviously making a statement that he/she would prefer to be born in Sunset on the beach, or maybe waiting to cross the bridge (depends on the time, of course).
Congratulations Kara and Ryan! We love you both and can't wait to meet the newest 'lil fart!



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