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Remembering Norm.
Posted by Philsmith

Remembering our friend Norm. Without him, this website would not have been possible. 

I was introduced to Norm sometime in 2000 when he was looking for some help with some IT work. My knowledge and experience was barely passable at the time, but we got to work. Over the ensuing years he taught me so much, mostly that no IT problem was too big to overcome. 

Thank you for being so selfless with including us in projects we had no business being involved in, but also having the patience to keeping us around and busy. We will miss you.

Happy Birthday CFdC
Posted by Jim

So it is true that the turn of my personal clock is inextrictably bound to the birthday of this website. Regardless of the fact that Facebook has sufficiently killed the page content, the spirit of CFdC lives on.  Now, thanks to the magic auto-renew technology (we probably came up with that too) provided by the domain host, so does the website. So, happy birthday CFdC, you just got two more years of life. 

Happy Birthday CFdC
Posted by tool

ok. a few days late, but Happy Birthday CFdC.
Welcome Home Kristy!
Posted by Philsmith

Happy Birthday Alex
Posted by tool

Crazyfarts would like to give a big birthday shout out to Alex Beegle on his 9th birthday.


From your Uncle Pat.
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Tuesday, May 19
· Why I Can''t Stand Paris Hilton
Wednesday, April 08
· Leave it to the British to give us a Hilarious Farting Story
Thursday, February 26
· No More Whining
Wednesday, January 28
· Q: Who will soon be the newest contributor to the fart game?
Thursday, December 04
· Oversized
Sunday, August 24
· Congratulations Katie and Phil!
Tuesday, August 19
· LeRoi Moore 1961-2008
Sunday, August 17
· Sell your stock in the airlines...if you haven't already.
Saturday, August 09
· Marrieds!
Tuesday, July 22
· Energy and Such...

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